If you're a wedding photographer and you're keen to keep yourself busy every weekend, then you are going to have to take the time to learn some wedding photography marketing strategies and implement them in your business.
You are about to find out about 3 great techniques you can start using today, but these are definitely not the only strategies that you could be using.
You can always improve on your marketing skills and implement new and improved strategies.
Wedding Photography Marketing Idea #1 - Implement A System For Generating Referrals.
It is a well known fact that referrals are some of the warmest leads you can receive - but waiting for referrals to be sent your way invariable results in far fewer referrals than you would like.
Of course there is always going to be the odd referrals sent your way, but if you truly want to make a living from referrals, then you must make sure that you ask for them from your customers friends and acquaintances, and know when and how to ask in such a way that you are more likely to get the referrals you ask for..
And as you get more comfortable asking for referrals, your confidence will grow and it will result in more people being willing to send business your way.
Wedding Photography marketing Idea #2 - Spend Money On Search Engine Optimization
As a wedding photographer you are lucky - a well optimized website can be a cash cow that send s you new clients like clockwork
If you have done the work and your wedding photography website sits nicely in Google than your business will always benefit from a regular stream of inquiries.
And if you look at it from a business investment point of view, a relatively small outlay today can continue to send you clients many years down the track.
Keeping a website on top of Google is the easy part, once all the hard work to get it there has been done, and the wedding clients it will generate for you will continue for many years after the initial work is done.
Wedding Photography Marketing Idea #3 - Use Facebook's Paid Advertising Platform
Facebook lets it user buy advertising space on the site that not only gives you the ability to target users by gender and location, you can also target them according to their relationship status.
So what you would do is create an ad campaign that targets only people who are engaged.
So as soon as someone changes their status to engaged, your ads will start showing in their account, and you will get the chance to promote your services before other photographers in your area.
Wedding photography marketing doesn't get much more targeted than that
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