Monday, September 16, 2013

Wedding Photography - My Creative Tricks and Tips

4 Techniques, 4 Stunning Effects, 4 Pictures

The Zoom Drag
(1/10th of a second, f/4, 70mm->24mm)
This shot is perfect for dancing couples at receptions. The couple captured in a moment in the center of the frame - a background of streaking lights blurred in bocca behind them, it's simply beautiful. To achieve this effect, I've found a dark scene on the dance floor where there are a bunch of small ambient lights in the background. I have a flash a external flash on my camera and I'm bouncing it off the ceiling to get good light onto the bride and her father. Putting the shutter at 1/10th of a second, and the aperture at f/4, I'm zoomed in all the way at 70mm on my 24-70mm lens. I brace myself, because as soon as I click the shutter, I zoom out as fast as possible, hoping to get to 24mm as soon as the shutter closes. If executed correctly, the couple will be sharp, captured by the flash of my camera, while the lighting in the background will be dragged across the background. Getting the timing right takes some practice, but it's worth it.

The Open Shutter Spin
(1/50th of a second, f/2.8, 24mm)
Another technique that will give you stunning images at a reception. Find a similar setting, dark dance floor with lots of cool source ambient lights in the frame. Position your flash to light a dancing couple, choose a focal length, and then brace yourself for the shot. Hold the camera out from your face a little bit, and as soon as you press the shutter, rotate the camera counter clockwise (clockwise if your lefty) as fast as you can. This will freeze the couple in the center of the frame, while dragging the ambient lights in the surreal and beautiful to create a beautiful framing effect.

The Candid Shot
It's always the case. A moment is happening, you lift your camera to your eye, frame the scene, and then-?the bride or groom stares you in the face and the moment is ruined. Catching candid moments without ruining them is hard work. So I cheat. I use my super-secret spy lens from Photojojo at This lens, looks just like a normal lens, but it has a 45 degree mirror in it and a circular hole in the barrel that lets you take pictures sideways. You have to see it to believe it, but this attachment lets me take pictures of moments through the entire wedding without anyone ever looking up and ruining my picture. Candids just got a lot easier folks.

The Budget Ring Flash
Another tech trick. Ring flashes produce vibrant light that makes your clients look like high-fashion models... but... they cost somewhere between $300 and $500 dollars. The Good News is, I've found the "CoCo Ring Flash". Google it! This baby takes the light from your external flash and uses fiber optics to re-route the light into a circular pattern JUST LIKE A RING FLASH! And it's only $50 at stores like Amazon. It looks fantastic, and you'll clients won't will be thrilled with the unique images you can produce with it.

That's all for now, keep shooting and innovating your creativity! Check out my website to see examples of me using these techniques as well.

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